3rd Trimester

2nd Time Mom here- a little nervous

I am 29 weeks with DS#2.  I had been feeling A LOT of pressure "down there" for about 4 days, accompanied by BH and nausea.  I made an appointment with my OB yesterday, and after the physical exam, he decided to do a swab test that determines risk of pre-term labor.  

 Luckily, it came back normal, but he said he could feel the baby's head very well AND that my "outer" cervix is already dilated to a 2.  My baby is already measuring 3.5 lbs, which is about two weeks ahead, according to my OB.

Have any of you ever experienced anything like this?  I'm a little nervous about being dilated already.  My OB didn't seem too worried, but he did talk about the possibility of having to get the steroid shots for lung development in the next month or so. 

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