2nd Trimester

Worried now- I read the post on non-vaccinated children

My brother and sister-in-law decided not to vaccinate their two children.  I've always had a bit of a problem with it, but it's never been a big deal to me because I feel it's their choice as a parent and that as long as it doesn't effect me, I'm not concerned. 

Well, now that I'm having a child of my own, I'm completely worried about the health and safety of my own child.  How do I tell my beloved nieces that I can't let them hold my new baby because their mom refused to get them immunized?  

I've been in this argument before with my sister in law and told her that I don't agree with her decision, but since I got pregnant she has become more adamant about getting information and resources to me explaining the evils of vaccines.  I fear it's going to be a never ending battle between us and I'd hate for all of our kids to suffer because of these decisions. 

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