3rd Trimester

Going in for induction tonight - wish me luck! Nervous.

I'm going in for the cervidil tonight. I was induced with DD#1 due to preeclamsia, but I just went in the morning and they broke my water/started pitocin.

I'm so nervous and emotional about it this time around - I guess because I'm leaving my daughter at home, and now that I've been through it, I know how unpredictable of a process it is.

I have had the BEST, EASIEST pregnancy this time around, and I'm just so bummed it's ending with ANOTHER induction. I was awake for hours last night, and started thinking I should push my doctor for a couple more days for her to come naturally, but on the other hand I'm ready for there to be some resolution (I only feel this way because I have a 3 yr old to also worry about).

Here's a question for those of you who have had Cervidil - can it actually induce labor on its own? I am 2-3cm, 50% effaced, and have been having some non-productive contractions. I would love for it to kick off labor on it's own. However, I was going to send my husband home for a few hours sleep, since he'll be at the hospital with me the next night, and we only live 5 minutes away. What do you think? Thanks ladies, I'm just nervous!

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