2nd Trimester

people say stupid things.

I am 26 weeks along now... woo! can't even believe it. I have had plenty of the comments already about how "round" i am, about  how I'll never make it to June,  about how there just MUST be more than one baby in there!! and USUALLY, I can shrug this off with an irritated smile and just ignore the ignorance...


However, last night I was at my husband's fathers house for a birthday party for his girlfriend. We were all sitting around the table, and my husband's grandmother said to me "I just don't think you'll ever make it to June..." and I responded with "well being that my due date is June 1, I don't think I'll mind if I have the baby before June". She then said "you're just so big..." almost judgementally. Her friend then asked me if i was absolutely sure there wasn't more than one baby in there? YES. I am absolutely sure, and the ONE that is in there is healthy (isnt that what is important?). The father-in-law's girlfriend then told me that I looked like if someone poked me, my stomach might just pop like a balloon. lovely. Trying to save the moment, his littler brother lovlingly said "well I'm sure he's probably just a big baby, that's all.". I then proceeded to go to the bathroom and cry because I just felt like I couldn't say anything to them about how incredibly rude they were all being.


I have done extensive research on this-- because i thought maybe i was crazy. but no, really, my bump is just as big as it should be. My baby is healthy, and that is all I really care about. There are plenty of women out there who are as far along as I am and are bigger, or the same size, or smaller- but every woman is different and I know it is stupid to let these things bother me... but last night I just felt so overwhelmed by everyone at the table commenting about how huge I am. Hey people, I am pretty aware of my size... I don't really need you to tell me!

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