3rd Trimester

DH is annoying the crap out of me

DH is 6'2"  145 lbs soaking wet. He eats like he hasnt eaten in days and no matter how hard he tries he can't gain weight. SO he calls to tell me he wants to go to GNC to spend like $60 on more weight gain stuff. I don't have the heart  to tell him its not working so no I dont see they point in spending $60 on it. I explained that we had a lot to pay this week and so we are somewhat tight so can he wait till next week. So then that starts a why can't I do what I want blah blah where is our money. I had to go into details about what I took care of and that I paid extra on stuff since we had the money. I figure 6 days on a budget wouldnt kill us. He says well I will put it on the credit card. UMMM NO that is dumb so then we pay interest on it. He thinks we can just pay what he charged on it next week and no interest. Its frusterating cause he acts like a 5 yr old bc I said no. I hate telling him what to do but he might as well take $60 and flush it bc that stuff doesnt work. He has been using it for 2 months and has gained maybe  a lb. I called him back to say ok but can you try to stay under $50 and now he wont answer my calls. Am I wrong to thing spending that kind of money is useless especially when if he wants to go spend $60 he should go buy a box of diapers of something.
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