3rd Trimester

Out of State Birth...

I know that every pregnancy is different and so many factors are involved in how things go and when delivery will take place. I'm just wondering what some of you think.

My husband is stationed here at Ft Campbell, KY but we're both from Michigan, where all of our family is. I'm expecting my first baby, a girl, due March 20th. My mom is planning to be here following the birth but is really adamant on being here for the delivery as this is the first grandchild on both sides. I really want her here for that also.

Yesterday I started having lots of lower back pain and inner thigh pain and the underside of my stomach is hurting too, including around the area down there. It kind of feels like the aches you get after a good workout when you havent worked out in a while. I'm chalking it up to my pelvis opening up and softening. I am 2 cm dilated.

My concern is, when do we bring my mom down here. I have three younger sisters ages, 11, 17 and 18. Of course they're at the age that they can take care of themselves but my mom can't leave them for a month or more, if it came to that. In total, her trip would be about 5 hours if traffic is good and no flight delays. Being that I'm 36W2D and I'm 2 cm dilated and have been for a week, having contractions but very infrequent (except my L&D visit last week showed I was having them pretty regularly about every 5 mins), when do we say it's time for her to come down here? Has anyone had this experience before?  

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