3rd Trimester

Big baby and nothing happening yet

Kind of like the post below but a  tad different. Just came from my dr. appt. I will be 39 weeks tomorrow. I have been measuring a week and 3 days early since my 20 week ultrasound so as of tomorrow I am measuring 40 weeks 3 days.  My u/s last week put baby around 7lbs 10oz but my dr. thinks that is low based on the size of my belly he keeps telling me "you've got a big kid in there"

This morning he did a pelvic exam and nothing is happening. Baby's head isn't low enough, I haven't even started to dialate and Dr said if I had even started to dialate just a little he woulda sent me to the hospital to induce labor! He knows how hell bent I am on avoiding a c-section unless my own health or the baby's health is at risk.

He also said he was getting a bit concerned b/c of the baby's size, and the longer baby stays in there the bigger baby gets. He's not a Dr to do a c section unless it was necessary, but I am stressing out!!!

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