3rd Trimester

No signs of labor.....(vent)

Okay, let me just preface this by saying I am ever so grateful to have had a mostly symptom free pregnancy, compared to most women I know.

Also, I know I havent hit my due date yet but..................can I just say how frustrated I am that I have not progressed at all in the past 3 weeks?My past 3 internal exams show me at 50% effaced and 1cm dilated. I will be 39 weeks on sunday and I am just worried about never going into labor and having to be induced..... I hear plenty of stories that the first baby is usually late/after your estimated due date and it irritates the crap out of me!

I know part of it is just impatience to be done with the pregnancy, but I am also scared that the longer I go, the bigger the baby will be (which is probably completely irrational, but I just cant help that feeling), and for some reason I think I wont be able to push him out on my own.

I guess I am just freaking out a bit.......I wanted to be able to deliver vaginally and not have to worry about a c-section and recouping from that while taking care of a newborn, and I have this stupid fear that the longer I go, the more likely I will have a c-section.

whew! feels a bit better to get that out.... thanks for listening!

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