3rd Trimester

this time around...totally different

So I don't post much.  But here goes...With #1 I woke up early one morning with cramps and progressed til they broke my water and had him within 17 hrs.  Was not that bad.

So now with #2 things are def different.  Have BH like mad every day.  Woke up the past few nights with random cramps/contractions in the middle of the night that led to nothing.  This am I woke up with spotting and went to Dr.  They said still at 2 cm and nothing really going on.  Random contractions.  Then came home and lost MP...

Anyone have similar stories or any words of wisdom.  I know you can loose your MP a number of times.  But I never had spotting or any sort of loss of MP before so this is all strange for me!

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