Pregnant after IF

Speaking of movement...

I swear, my little girl's favorite position is dancing on my cervix. It feels SOOOO incredibly strange, and makes me jump every single time! I would think she would start moving up a bit more...but no. She likes my cervix. And I've found that when I wear bikini undies, when I sit, they press in on my belly, right at my pubic bone. It doesn't bother me, but my little girl doesn't appreciate it...kick kick kick! I went to get my hair cut and colored (first time getting professional color...and I love it!), and was sitting in the chair at the salon for 2.5 hours. She went NUTS the whole time...kick kick kick...kick kick kick. She was much happier when I moved from chair to chair, and when I was all done and walked around a bit! I guess my undies were pushing in on her "space" and she wasn't happy about it! 
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