3rd Trimester

Work vent-long

My EDD is February 28th & I planned on working up until I go into labor. (I work in a home daycare with just myself & the owner). At work on Friday I overheard her saying to her daughter that she better find a friend to use the extra dinner theater ticket they had for Saturday night bc a family member canceled & the ticket was non-refundable. Her daughter told her that none of her friends could go. So then she starts telling me that I HAVE to go bc if not shes gonna lose her $50. Im like uhhh, I really dont want to go. (I mean like who wants to hang out with their boss on their day off!?) She wouldnt accept no as an answer & as Im leaving for the day she tells me to call her the next day so we can plan to meet up even though I made it obvious that I wasnt going!   

So Friday night I ended up going to L&D because on top of suffering from a massive headache all day, I all of a sudden started having blurred vision. I called my midwife & they had me come in to check my blood pressure & monitor LO. Dr told me to take it easy because I was really swollen & that I was actually having migraines but that all of my blood work came back fine & sent me home. I texted my boss Saturday morning saying again that I was not going & added that the dr told me to take it easy. She totally ignored me so I figured she was mad. Oh well. We were closed on Monday for the holiday & I had my 39wk appt that day. My midwife said that she was sort of concerned about my swelling & that she wants me to take today off too to try to get the swelling down & come back on Friday bc "hypertension can happen in an instant" & she wants to monitor me.

I texted my boss all of this yesterday & I guess she was still mad about Saturday bc again, she ignored me. (BTW I didnt call her because we have always only communicated via text) This morning I wake up to my mom frantically calling me asking if something is wrong bc she got a text saying I didnt show up for work! & another text from my boss saying that she called the hospital & Im not there so whats going on? Im like wth!? So I texted her back & told her that I had already told her that I wouldnt be in today but she wasnt responding & she said she never got the msg, then contradicted herself by  saying that her daughter read her msgs to her & thats why she didnt respond.

Meanwhile Im trying to explain to my mom what is going on so I didnt text the boss back right away & I guess she got even more mad at me & says: "Since u are due next week Im considering you on maternity leave as of today. Dont worry I will not bother you anymore, just let me know when the birth happens. Your paycheck from last week is here so have your husband call me if he would like to pick it up."  Im sitting here like what the hell did I do so wrong that Im forced on non-paid maternity leave before Im even ready?! Now Im stressing out about money already bc Im not getting paid time off & she just added to it with this mess. This is the last thing I need right now, & I just feel like breaking down & crying. No one needs to respond I just really needed to get this all out. Thanks for reading.

image Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie First Birthday tickers
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