2nd Trimester

Negative people suck! (Rant/Vent)

I finally announced my pregnancy at work the other day and remembered why I hid it so long? I was ambushed by two very obnoxious women. One who has 4 children and the other who has 1.  I felt like I was being interviewed. They immediately asked when I was due and what we?re having (which I know is normal) but then when I said we?re not going to find out and are going to let it be a surprise ? they flipped out and said stuff like, OMG you?re gonna have such a hard time with your registry blah blah? It got worse- went something like this:


Q- Have you been feeling sick?

A- A little at first but I?m in the second trimester now so no not really, just a bit of heart burn that I take tums for occasionally?

R (response) ? GASP ? you have to watch out! You?ll get stones if you don?t drink enough water!!!

MY response ? Um, I drink a lot of water and I don?t eat them like all day everyday?


Comment from mother of 4 ? I?m just telling you, you better get an epidural or else you?ll die!

Mother of 1 ? OMG yeah, you should tell them you want your drugs right away!

MY response ? Well I?m planning on having a natural birth

Both women- NO way, you?ll regret it and there?s def no way you?ll be able to do it, as soon as you?re in labor you?re going to change your mind? blah fricken blah

My response ? I may not have ever experienced the pain, but I have a wonderful support group, my husband, my mother, sis n law and friends who tell me I can do what I know I am capable of? so really I don?t need to be told what I can or can?t deal with.


?my response didn?t even phase them? they just continued without realizing I was getting upset?


Mother of 1 ? are you going to breast feed?

My response ? these are a lot of personal questions and the reason why I kept it a secret for so long was because I didn?t want to be asked a lot of inappropriate questions at the workplace.

Her response ? Well no I was just asking because I didn?t ?then mother of 4 chimes in, me neither cuz I think it?s kinda weird and gross having a child just latched to you?

My response ? (fuming at this point)? Yes I?m going to do it because its natural and  I?d appreciate it if you guys would just stop asking me questions or commenting. It?s my pregnancy and I would like stay positive and don?t need unsolicited advise or comments from people I work with. You should just enjoy the cupcakes I made for everyone and mind your own business.


FINALLY ? they got the point and walked away? and since then I?ve heard through the wonderful corporate grapevine that I?m now a pregnant b*tch


 what stinks though is even though I finally spoke up and told them to back off, I keep thinking about it and get mad all over again?  Why do people have to be so negative???

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