3rd Trimester

moms who had PPD/ PPA with first baby

how are you feeling this pregnancy? this pregnancy for me is much harder then the last. I was diagnosed with gestational Diabetes and it has added a tooooon of stress to my life. More so from all the extra doctors appointments and constant tests and checking on the baby. I know it is all for the good of the baby but all the extra medical treatment just puts me in a state of anxiety. its like the more they check the more I think something is going to go wrong etc. Anyways I had PPD and bad anxiety with my first child and I am just super nervous that I will get it with this child. My plan was to make this pregnancy as smooth sailing as possible so that when I delivered I would be in as little stress or depression as possible. but that has all gone out the window. So I guess I am just curious if anyone is going through something similar? what are your plans to make the situation better this time around as opposed to your last time with PPD? or just any advice or thoughts... Thanks ladies
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