2nd Trimester

2x moms, are you treating this preg. differently?

Im feeling really guilty, and I need your thoughts.  My 1st preg was wonderful, 1st tri I had a few food aversions but no sickness, 2nd and 3rd tri was great.  No tiredness or sickness.  I ate healthy and avoided caffeine and deli foods until late in my 2nd trimester. This pregnancy has been so different from the beginning!  I had all day sickness that needed a prescription, tiredness, bloating.  On top of all that, I did cut out the caffeine but I started to have a cup of coffee or one iced tea a day.  My prenatals were adding to my sickness so I switched to chewables and only NOW am i really able to feel ok with them.  I hate to admit it, but I haven't been really on the ball with taking them.  I just feel so lazy with this pregnancy and I am afraid I am screwing something up.  I eat pretty well, but with the sickness (just getting over it now so that's good!) I was pretty much eating whatever I had a mood for because it was all I could stomach.  On top of it, I am considered AMA (im 36) so I have that odd guilt too.  How has everyone else been doing with their 2nd (or 3rd, 4th etc..) pregnancy?? Did you treat it differently than your first?

Thanks for reading this!

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