2nd Trimester

babys gender

ok so my husband and i have finally agreed that we want to find out the sex in like two and a half weeks if the baby cooperates with is but now we are trying to figure out whether to tell family or not. if we tell family, my husband wants it to stay within the immediate family such as mom dad and siblings. he wants it to be a surprise for everyone else when the baby is born. so basically if we tell my mom and dad and sister and his mom and stepdad and his dad and step mom and his three siblings then it will most likely be spread around  which would dissapoint my husband.  i really wanna tell people the sex cuz i thinks that its exciting and i havent exactly had the chance to enjoy my pregnancy yet  due to stresses and stuff ive had and being away from my friends and family and being just near his. so i dont know what to do. help please...
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