2nd Trimester


I have had a lot of braxton hicks since 16 weeks. This is my second pregnancy. At first the dr. said just don't do too much and drink water and disregarded it. I get them during the day and mostly at night, almost everynight. The amount varies, but one time I had 4 in ten minutes, and then a lot more the rest of the hour. They don't hurt and I always just go to bed and wake up fine.

Today at my appt, I mentioned BH to the dr and she said I shouldn't have 4 in one hour. I told her that I have way more than that, almost everyday for months now. She did some test (Starts with a F and it's done by taking  a swab) to see if I  am at risk for preterm labor.. She also felt for dialation but said I have not dialeted.

 Has anyone else experienced this? If so, what did your dr say?

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