3rd Trimester

Visitors/Company After Delivery

I need some help/advice. DH and I have our first LO on the way and I'm having a ton of anxiety about people being around after the baby is born. His family, primarily MIL and 2 sisters are very insistent that they will be called and will be coming as soon as I go into labor. They live 4 hours away. MIL isn't so bad, but the 2 sisters are total brats, very selfish and will expect to be entertained. Did I mention that the 3 of them are fully expecting to stay with us in our 3 bedroom home? I really don't want the 2 sisters to come, at least not right away and I hate the idea of people staying with us when we bring LO home for the first time. DH doesn't really understand and says I need to let it go, but he also doesn't have to think about actually having a baby and playing hostess... Any thoughts on how to handle this?
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