2nd Trimester

Paranoid hubby?

So, when I went in for my fetal echocardiogram, the doctor took pictures of Sylvia's heart, and when he was done, he told me that there was a little bit of fluid leaking from one of her valves or ventricles (one of the V words, I just can't remember which one).  He told me that it really wasn't anything to worry about, and if they HAD to choose which one for fluid to leak from, that would be it.  He said just to keep and eye on it, but he doesn't see any foreseeable problems.


MIL isn't that worried, she thinks it's just because baby is still developing, but a few other people seem to think that Sylvia is having heart issues. 

Hubby seems to worry, but I'm not sure if he's being overprotective, or if the doctor was just trying to not stress me out.  Is it something I should worry about, while keeping an eye on it, or just keep an eye on it, and not stress out?


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