2nd Trimester

early fetal movement?

For the last two days I have been feeling a sort of prick feeling from the inside on my abdomen. I also feel bubbles and a sort of dropping sensation as well (think roller coaster effect). I am only a little over 15 weeks, so I thought this was a bit early. However, it is MUCH different than any gas pains I have felt previously.

I had an US over the weekend at the tech told me that the placenta is behind our LO and pushing him forward. He is also measuring big (almost 16 weeks already). She did say that it should be any day now that I would feel him move-even though this is my first pregnancy.

Anyone experience this early on? Is what I am feeling similair to quickening? I am so anxious for it to be our little boy, but I am afraid to get my hopes up as well...

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