2nd Trimester

POA hip surgery before- agony now. Ideas?

I had my hips re-constructed in college. They have been sore, but these last two weeks they have been really killing me.

 I started PT (I walk in a pool. PT makes it sound all jazzy- but that's all I do). This was supposed to HELP the pain, but the nights after work I walk in the pool I get zero sleep because I am in agonizing pain all night.

 Tylenol doesn't touch it. I used to get cortisone shots or pop a couple Percocet- but this is obviously not an option. Quitting the PT isn't really an option either as they are convinced it will "help me later".

 Today I am bed ridden. I did the PT last night - no sleep again- and today I can't walk. I ice after the PT- nothing. I think there is just too much arthritis built up in my joints.

 I can't use hot packs or icy hot because the skin around my scars is so sensitive that it burns. Bio freeze has been alright, but it's not much.

 Has anyone else had the POA hip surgery at a later age and then gotten pregnant? My surgeries didn't go as well as they had wanted- and I am wondering if that is contributing to my issue.

 Any ideas would be wonderful.

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