3rd Trimester

When to call family?

FTM here!  DH asked me last night when I wanted him to start calling family when I went into labor.  At first I said not until it was confirmed by the hospital I was actually in labor but then I re-thought it.  My parents, who desperately want to be here when LO is born (first grandbaby) live 3 hours away without traffic.  His parents who also really want to be here live 8 hours! I want to labor as long as I can at home before going to the hospital but really don't know what labor feels like or how long it will take for me to make that call, etc.. It all feels so up in the air to me. 

When do you plan (or did you) call the family?  

Me-27 DH-29
Plan on TTC #2 as soon as 1st PPP arrives... Come on AF, I've never wanted you more!
Shouts to May2012 LB blueberries! Dear TTC gods, let us be LBs again!
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