2nd Trimester

feeling homesick

I go through feeling "homesick" throughout the year but right now it's really bad.  I went to college several hours from where I call home, met DH at school, we married and found jobs here (near where we went to school) and have more or less settled here.  I absolutely HATE this area and hate being so far from our family and friends.  We have been living here for about 3 years and have yet to make any really strong friendships, and our closest friends from college moved back home after graduation.  As my due date gets closer, I have been feeling more alone and homesick.  DH is great but he is homesick as well.  I realized this week how small our support network really is here when my car ended up in the shop and could not find a ride to work or the Dr and this has happened a few times.  With our work schedules begin so opposite we only get to go to visit family or friends a hand full of times a year and always have to use vacation days because I work weekends and DH works weekdays.  I know some people have it much worse than me and I don't mean to sound like such a winer... but today I am just feeling sad, lonely and very homesick!
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