2nd Trimester

Weak spells

I have been having weak spells since early in the 1st trimester and it wasn't like a "pass out" feeling, it was gosh I need to just sit for a second. Friday at my 16 weeks appt I told the Dr about it and he said it was probably low blood sugar to drink some OJ, don't eat sugar on an empty stomach and so on.

Well, last night at 4 am I get up to go to the bathroom and then get some water from the kitchen. I felt the weak spell coming, but continued to do what I was doing then was going to sit down. I almost passed out, I ran for the chair and made it thankfully, but I was still seeing black spots once I sat.

The Dr didn't seem like it was too much of a concern so I hate to call the office when they are off (Mardi Gras holiday here), but do you think I should be concerned??  

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