3rd Trimester

2nd+ timers - who went into labor at 37/38 weeks?

My water broke at 38 weeks 5 days with DS. I had to have an emergency C after 24 hours.

I want this baby to come this week or next. Flame if you want, but I want a VBAC soooo badly and my BP is spiking and my midwife is getting concerned. I don't have any other pre-e signs (yet) except swelling and high BP. She's letting me go another week or so if I stay off my feet this week. They can try induction if necessary (only with a foley ball, no pit), but I want more than anything to avoid that at all costs. I know that'll just end up in a RCS if my body isn't ready. I'm hoping and preying that this baby comes one his own soon. I'm feeling that it's probably not goig happen though. The ultrasound showed he's about 7lbs now and strong and doing great. I'm afraid that at my next appointment, if it's still high, we'll need to make a decision (RCS or induction). Ultimately my health and his health is most important, it's just been my hope this whole time to go vaginal and have the birth experience I always wanted.

I guess I just need some encouragement that it is possible for me to go on my own this week or next. I was 1cm and 50% last week. 

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