2nd Trimester

Anyone with Interstitial Cystitis?

I've had interstitial cystitis and endometriosis for about eight years.  I had to stop taking Elmiron about three years ago because I became allergic to it.  Since stopping Elmiron I've been doing daily bladder instills/treatments of lidocaine and sodium bicarbonate and was on a high-dose of pain meds.  I stopped the pain medication once I became pregnant.  I've spoken with my urologist and ob doctor about these treatments and they both agree they are safe and do not cross the placenta.  My urologist said that in most women, their IC gets better during pregnancy.  Well, as with the majority of other things during this pregnancy (which is my first) everything has been the complete opposite.  My IC has gotten so much worse and I am in constant pain.  I'm not sure if it is the pregnancy or me living without the pain meds.  Either way, I'm miserable and hurt so bad.  I go for my 2nd trimester urologist appointment on Thursday.  I know there isn't anything else they can do for me because there are no other medications besides Elmiron. 

Does anyone else have IC and if so, what are you doing to deal with this?  Any suggestions?  I'm doing my best to watch what I eat but sometimes it's just hard.  

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