2nd Trimester

Landlord vent..........NBR

Just need to get this out..........our lease is not up until October. I'm due in July. We currently live in a duplex and have the 2br upper which is quite tight with our twins. The downstairs flat is 3br and her lease is up this year (she had a 2yr lease). We told our landlord as soon as we found out we were expecting and said that if she was moving downstairs, that we wanted to move down there, otherwise, we let her know we will be moving this summer before the baby comes.

 She was VERY nice about it and said she would let us out early and have a signed document stating so, which we would need anyways to be free and clear of our rent until October.

Fast forward a few months......we asked 2 weeks ago what the status was on the neighbor downstairs moving, etc. We were told she didn't know yet and wont' know until April. It then became a discussion of when we are able to move. She told me July 1st. My husband called later that night and she changed her mind and said August 1st.

We found a 3br townhouse, put in an application and heard back today. I had to dispute A LOT of things, some private I will not list here and some about what the landlord said!


That was the main thing I had to defend ourselves against. This senile old lady better what the f*** out because I"m not playing any games. If it comes down to it and we have to stay until October, so be it but she will not have happy tenants until then. We've had so many problems from her in the 2 years we've been there that I just can't wait to move.

Thankfully the townhouse is approving us on contingency of that signed letter but now it'll be a battle to get that. I'm letting my husband handle that since my pregnancy hormones are a little out of control right now!

 *vent over*

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