3rd Trimester

XP: Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction?

I posted in second tri with no response.  Maybe you ladies who are further along can shed some light.  TIA! 

Is SPD even possible this early?  My avocado is not that big!  Here's what happened:  I was opening a door yesterday and leaned forward slightly to push it open.  I felt a pop way down low on the centerline of my pelvis.  It was agonizing take-my-breath-away-and-do-not-move pain, and it continues to be very sharp and VERY painful, particularly when I engage my core muscles (changing positions, etc.)  There is duller pain while walking, but it becomes very sharp if I move suddenly.  It feels marginally better if I press lightly on the bottom of my bump when standing up or walking, but obviously it looks horrendous to have my hand practically on my crotch. 

I would liken this in location and intensity to the pain I felt upon sitting up from a prone position for 4-5 months after DD1 was born.  (She was 8lbs 5 oz and I pushed for 3+ hours to deliver.)  Is it possible that I have reaggravated some previous damage?  Or is this something else?

Either way, I need some help with this pain.  Please recommend a support belt to help a hurting mama!  I feel like a total dork hunched over and waddling at 16 weeks!

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