3rd Trimester

I gotta vent!

I am sick of being pregnant and dealing with all these appointments and not being able to move around like I used to! I am going insane!!

Yesterday was okay. I'm a type 1 diabetic so I had my Endo appointment. It went better than I thought. So I thought it was going to be a good day and night...I was oh so wrong!

I got to work and things were fine. (I'm a CNA at a long term care facility) We had a new resident and I went into to introduce myself and so on. However when I was getting ready to pass evening linens when a resident put their light on and wanted to lay down. So we did that and they were okay until about 10 minutes later. Therapy went to get them and they were nauseated,so they pressed the light on. I got the nurse, but before the nurse could given them anything for the nausea they started vomiting...I stayed in the room with them and I cleaned everything after each time. While this was going on, they had visitors who wanted to see them and I felt bad, but I had to turn the visitors away and let my resident rest and be as comfortable as possible. Through out the evening I would have to go help my resident and spend extra time with that one because they are terminally ill and with their illness they get dehydrated easily so we were preparing for the worst case scenario...sending them to the hospital for IV fluids and such. So I was supposed to work 8 hours, but I ended up working 9. It takes me longer anyways because I can't move and lift like I used to be able to, so I have to ask for help a lot when my co workers can just do it by themselves. By the time I got home I was dead tired!

However that's when everyone and their cousin decided it was time to call and or text me! Ugh! Even explaining to people I'm going to bed, I still didn't get to bed until almost midnight..(I got off work at 11pm)

This morning I had a doctors appointment and usually they scheduale me at the same time for each appointment (usually all my appointments are at 9 am) however it was schedualed at 8:30am this time, so I ended up over sleeping and totally missing my appointment. I had asked the receptionist to keep my high risk ultrasound appointments and appointments with my OBGYN on the same day, but it supposedly wasn't going to work so now I have to wait to be seen on Monday...I'm just getting sick of all these appointments. My OBGYN and high risk OBGYN say everything always looks good, but can't I just see one or the other? Seeing them both in one week is over kill to me! I had 3 appointments this week and no one could keep them on the same day...

Vent over...I'm going to go take a nap now... 

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