2nd Trimester

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction?

Is it even possible this early?  My avocado is not that big!  Here's what happened:  I was opening a door yesterday and leaned forward slightly to push it open.  I felt a pop way down low on the centerline of my pelvis.  It was agonizing take-my-breath-away-and-do-not-move pain, and it continues to be very sharp and VERY painful, particularly when I engage my core muscles (changing positions, etc.)  There is duller pain while walking, but it becomes very sharp if I move suddenly.  It feels marginally better if I press lightly on the bottom of my bump when standing up or walking, but obviously it looks horrendous to have my hand practically on my crotch. 

I would liken this in location and intensity to the pain I felt upon sitting up from a prone position for 4-5 months after DD1 was born.  (She was 8lbs 5 oz and I pushed for 3+ hours to deliver.)  Is it possible that I have reaggravated some previous damage?  Or is this something else?

Either way, I need some help with this pain.  Please recommend a support belt to help a hurting mama!  I feel like a total dork hunched over and waddling at 16 weeks!


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