2nd Trimester

MIL .... issue?

So I come from a traditional home, I was raised in one house and my parents still live there, are non smokers, don't drink, no bad language etc..we were raised to play outside, amuse ourselves, learn common sense etc..you get the point. My parents are still together, and my brother and I had a very stable homelife.

My DH has not had the same upbringing. MIL (I love her to pieces but she's more of the 18 year old sister I never had rather than a mother in law type) had new bf's, smoked, drank, anything goes kind of upbringing, would wonder where her kids were if they didn't come home after 3 days and then start looking kind of thing. Now don't get me wrong, my DH is NOTHING like her-stable as a rock and more down to earth than anyone could ever ask for, and I LOVE my MIL, I have nothing against her, she raised a wonderful son. 

BUT seeing as she lives with her new boyfriend of 5 months, smokes more than a chimney and has these general values of child upbringing, I'm not too keen on her babysitting the child anytime soon. At all actually. I do not want my child exposed to cigarette (or in some cases mary jane) smoke, around a new "grandpa" all the time, or being fed cookies or cake for dinner. Do I have a right to restrict babysitting rights? I don't have an issue seeing her (she is baby's grandma after all!) but how do I limit the one on one time? Is there a nice way around this?

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