2nd Trimester

Daycare and food...

There is a center in the town I live in where most of the teachers take their kids. (This place doesn't charge in the summer if you keep your kid at home!)

I'm nervous. Everyone has told me how great the place is, but I have some worries.

In my curiosity I have been asking my friends about what the kids are fed at said daycare, and the answers have sometimes been less than stellar.

DH and I are health nuts. This is one of those things I can't "give" on. I understand she (daycare lady) may not have organic milk and chicken...NBD... but she gives cookies to kids who are 12 months old. My 12 month old doesn't need a cookie, and (hopefully) won't even know what a cookie is at that point.

Will the lady be offended if I tell her my child's diet requirements? My kid can eat what the other kids are eating as long as it isn't canned ravioli, crappy mac and cheese, french fries, treats...you get my drift. I will just ask her for a weekly menu, and days that she is serving something I'm not a huge fan of, I can bring my kids food. 

Is this normal?

There are only two centers in my small town. The other one is already ruled out.

I know that my child won't be eating food for a little while, but I am super worried and I can't stop stressing about it.  

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