2nd Trimester

Just need to vent....

  I have been having a really crappy couple of days and I am just down about it and needed to vent to someone! I am sitting in my office at work and wish I could just sit here and cry or go home and sit and cry but neither are options so I must vent here.

I have a sales jobs that is very stressfull and not going well and I hate hate my boss, he always talks to me in a way that makes me feel stupid and can't answer a single questions without acting like I am stupid, he tells me he counts my dr's appointments, and I have a lot beacuse I am high risk, he is just rude. I hate what I do all day, I am basiclly a telemarketer for a product no one wants or needs and people are rude to me on the phone all day. I wish my husband and I were in a financial position where I could just quit and look for a new job after baby comes but we are not. I have been looking for new jobs right now but in the last two days I got two rejections from great companies. I am totally stressed and I hate what this stress has to be doing to LO.

Just cannot wait for LO to be here so I can go on materinity leave and start looking for new jobs again....  

 Sorry for the vent! weird how even typing it online helps!

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