2nd Trimester

What would you do? {passing on u/s}

1st attempt at a/s at 19wks- totally unsuccessful. baby turned around

2nd attempt 22 wks- Could see the 4 chambers of his heart, but couldnt get a good look at the other structures.

3rd attempt 24wks- same exact thing. There doesnt appear to be anything wrong, but they just cant see anything (due to AP and his position) Mr dr. sent me to a high risk ob just to see if they could see anything.

(4th-ish attempt) 20 minutes later- the doctor came in to see if he could get a good look and couldnt. He said himself, everything looks fine, but he just wants to see everything.

My thinking: 1. If there is something wrong, theres nothing we can do about it this second and its strong enough to carry him this far along.

2. If they are that worried about checking the structures, we can check it after hes born

 3. Like everything else safe in pregnancy, its good to stay with small doses. I feel ultrasounds are the same way. Ive already had 6. Im meeting with my doctor tomorrow to follow up and going to tell him my concerns.

Would you keep trying? or just say we'll see it when we can?

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