2nd Trimester

Did/are you registering for baby clothes?

Do people register for baby clothes?

When my sister was pregnant, she didn't register for any baby clothes because she had heard that people will just buy whatever they think is cute in the store anyway, and she wanted to let them enjoy that experience.  She registered for non-clothes items, and received mostly clothes as gifts.  Whether she liked the clothes was a mixed bag, and she returned or donated the extras that were her least favorites.

Is this usually the strategy, or should I be registering for clothes?  Did other people have success getting the clothes they actually registered for?  Would this increase the chances I like the clothes I receive?

We're doing a super-minimal registry because our apt is small and we don't want to stock up in advance of needing things and have to store them (i.e., no high chair, no non-snap-and-go stroller, no convertible carseat).  It looks very bare without clothes. 

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