2nd Trimester

hospital advice

Soooo last time I delivered was at a newer hospital in MN- yes new, shiny and pretty but a horrible experience and I was not listened to on many aspects from the first moment I got there. I even called ahead with my needs- no visitors in my room for 3 hours after delivery and wanting the baby with me at all times after delivery- not hard requests but I had visitors in my room and them holding my son before I even got to hold my son. I also had my son leave the delivery room without my permission (they said it was routine, but I could tell them if I wanted him to stay with me). Needless to say I wasn't pleased and to this day have a sour taste from the experience- There were many other issues but this is the issue I want to change on my next delivery.

We are now delivering at an older hospital in MN this time and are assured this will not happen there from my Dr and the hospital. I was also assured many many times by the newer hospital though...I need advice as to make sure my wishes are followed at the one I will be delivering at this time- any insight or advice would be wonderful. thanks

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