2nd Trimester

What are your OB/MWs thoughts on flying around 26 weeks?

I live in NY and am supposed to be in a wedding in LA when I am 26 weeks. I have a 2.5 year old daughter but have had three losses since then so I am especially paranoid about loss. A coworker of mine had a dear friend lose her baby after flying across country around the same time (30 weeks maybe). She went into premature labor (unknowingly) and her sweet baby was born alive but medical care didn't arrive in time to save him. I CANNOT get this story out of my head, even though there certainly could have been many other contributing factors.

I plan to ask my MW at my first appt next week but I need to order my dress right after my 12 week u/s. I would like to know the opinions of other providers, since I will only have one visit with my new MW practice before I have to make a decision. So, I am wondering if you could share your experience with flying, or what your doctor has said about flying in late 2nd, early 3rd tri. This wedding is a dear, dear friend of mine, and although she TOTALLY understands the decision I'm faced with, I still really want to be there for her.

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Trying for #2 since July 2010
BFP 8/1/10, missed m/c, D&C 9/15/10.
BFP 1/8/11, chemical pregnancy.
BFP 3/4/11, measured behind all along, no more HB 4/18/11. D&C 4/29/11. HCG didn't drop, Repeat D&C 6/17/11; confirmed molar pregnancy 6/23/11.
Forced break, including two Hysteroscopies in October to remove retained tissue.
BFP 12/29/11! Betas @ 10 dpo = 85, 14 dpo= 498, 22 dpo = 7242
Heard HB 1/24/12. 144 bpm!

Luca Rose born 9/9/12! More than worth the wait!
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