2nd Trimester

Choroid plexus cyst -- anyone else have experience w/ this?

I'm a FTM, and based on our anatomy scan this past week (at 19 weeks), our baby has a choroid plexus cyst (a cyst in the part of the brain that controls spinal fluid, etc).  

 I've done some research on it since hearing this and while half of the babies with Trisomy 18 also present with choroid plexus cysts, and they are considered a "soft marker" for chromosonal abnormalities, our baby doesn't have any other signs of abnormalities. The CPCs are supposed to be present in 1-3% of pregnancies and often resolve themselves prior to birth. So that's what will most likely happen with my baby girl.

I am resting on the above research and trying not to worry, but it's hard to hear, "Everything on the ultrasound looked normal, except..."

Anyone else have any experience with this? I'd love to hear if anyone else is going through this or if they've been through it with a previous pregnancy, what the outcome is.

I'll just be over here not panicking.

BabyFruit Ticker

July 3rd, 2012 ~ Hang in there sweetheart, we can't wait to meet you!

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