2nd Trimester

Just found out and already 14 weeks!!!

Ok, so we just found out today and they are saying 13-14 weeks already. Not sure what to do as this is our first. We're completely excited but scared as we missed 3 months of things we were supposed to do or start doing. Any suggestions of what we missed, what we need to do or anything else would be greatly appreciated from the community. The wife will be excited that I'm gonna get off my butt and start getting this house in shape. Also want to know if we should be worried since we just found out now. The wife has been cleaning the cat box as she does that and I take care of the dogs. I know I'm gonna have to take over for that now. Also we just got back from vacation at the beginning of Jan from Mexico. She doesn't really drink much but on vacation we got pretty wild a few nights. Also she has been smoking up until now. She won't anymore but I'm wondering if it is safe to quit cold turkey or should she gradually slow down. Not sure how it effects the baby just stopping after being in that for 3 months now. I could go on and on with questions forever but I'm gonna stop here for now. Thanks to all in advance for your advice.

Kevin & Stephanie

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