2nd Trimester

Job Interviews


I lost my job about two weeks ago. That's been a tad stressful, but I am moving past it and threw my hat back into the interviewing ring. 

I'd been contemplating how to approach the issue of pregnancy to potential employers. I am 21 weeks and am starting to show. I know the cardinal rule of not discussing the pregnancy during the interview, since I am in Human Resources, so my plan was not to mention it during the interview, wait until the job offer and acceptance and mention it about a week into the job.

I found a pretty good match, did two phone interviews last week and today had my face to face interview with two women. One would be my boss and one would be a peer.

The game plan was that I go in there with the intentions of not telling them, due to any kind of liability I might put them in. So, I found a plus-size suit, put on some heels and was set to go. I felt I didn't look pregnant, just a bit chubby...

The interview went great, I felt very comfortable withe these ladies. At the end of the interview I decided to tell them. I explained I wanted to be transparent with them and was not doing this to place them in any kind of comprising positions. they both seemed generally excited for me and the manager explained this is why she cross-trains people. So when people need time away, they can do it.

I felt pretty good about it when I left. If they don't pick me, I know its because of my of experience, compared to other candidates.

Just thought I'd share!

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