2nd Trimester

Getting the guilt trip

Long story short I have a horrendous mother in law. 

Now, on to my point: Mother in laws aside sometimes I don't eat the 100% super mommy pregnancy approved diet. I don't always "eat the rainbow", I probably consume too many carbs, and don't get enough fruit and leafy vegetables in my diet. (I do eat a fairly good amount of vegetables but they are generally steamed with butter) and I could probably eat less cheeseburgers but on the whole my diet isn't fast food. I've justified some of it because at 19 weeks I still throw up a lot and have trouble keeping some things down. Some days I still feel like I'm failing my baby because I'm not on this raw fruit/veggie, no fat protein, low carb diet. The MIL guilt trips (despite their frequency) I can mostly rub off, I have a supportive husband. However I am my biggest critic and I'm a pretty harsh one. 

Any one else falling short of the "super diet"? Anyone have someone anyone rubbing their nose in their eating habits?  

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