Upstate NY Babies

How you do you deal with your weather related crankiness?

If you get crabby this time of year, what helps? I seriously despise the cold, I know we have had a super easy winter.....but these days of sun are killing me since it is so cold ( I want to go out, I want to open my windows). I know people usually have the issue with not seeing the sun, so you would think it would help.

I would do anything to pick up my whole family (well, dad and step mom and step sister/her dh and kids...and my friends) and move to Arizona! I need warmth and sun, I need to get outside and not freeze while I get fresh air. I have traveled a lot and AZ seems like the best fit. I actually loved the weather in IQ during late summer. Yes it was 114 degrees, but it was a dry oven like humidity. Obviously you need a/c but spending 20 min outside in that heat beats spending 20 min outside here bundled to the gills.

There is no point to this post really.....just wondering if anyone gets crabby during Feb and what do you do to push through! =)

PS....I will likely complain when I am hot and 9 mos pregnant this summer. I reserve the right to do so!Stick out tongue

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