2nd Trimester

Changing Ob/Gyn - logistics

Hi Ladies,

Can you please help with logistics of changing by Ob/Gyn? I don't like my current one for many reasons, he is not horrible but we don't click. I went to my old gynecologist  (she is not an obstetrician unfortunately) and asked for  recommendations. I have a list of drs my hands but don't know how to proceed.

1. I don't have an appointment scheduled with a new dr. and I  don't know how booked any of them are.

2.  I have a second part of prenatal screening scheduled for tomorrow and an anatomical us on Feb 24

3. My next monthly appointment with the old Dr is also on February 24.

Now questions:

Where do I request to send the results of the lab work? My old Dr was unaware that the results of part 1 screening came in and briefly  looked through them in front of me when I was leaving. He said it's all OK but did not elaborate. I want my new Dr to be just a bit more attentive and know who I am, thus I would prefer the results of blood work and US  to come to the new office, although not sure the timing will allow it.

What to I do with the next appointment? Go to the old Ob/Gyn  and try to book an appointment with a new one? Is it possible, will insurance allow it?

How do I request to transfer the paperwork? I am seriously intimidated by his 18 y.o. receptionist. Last month, when I had a flu, I had to convince her for some time  to give the phone to the dr.  and stop giving me medical advice . I don't want to come pick up the paperwork with her there, but if I need to when do I do it?

Sorry if the post is confusing! Thank you




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