2nd Trimester

Fibromyalgia (I'm whining here, I won't lie)

I don't know if there are any other moms on here with Fibro- but I'm 20 years old and this is my first pregnancy. I've had fibromyalgia since early childhood, before getting pregnant I had it managed very well, between my medications, diet, and exercise. When I first got pregnant I was put on best rest for 6 weeks because they were afraid I'd miscarry, I was having uncontrollable spasms among other things. 

I have read a few things on Fibro and pregnancy, they are all very contradictory, it's also something that's been difficult to study. (From my understanding). I have a 3 year old step son, who we see (not regularly enough, custody battles suck don't get me started I'm hormonal), and caring for him even for a weekend with major help from my husband wears me out. Due to the amount of pain I'm in it's very possible this will be my only pregnancy, taking care of one child full time doesn't lend very well to the frequent rest and sometimes even physical help I need, while being pregnant. I'm trying not to think dwell on that though and remain optimistic.

I get pretty depressed, I was a very active woman and I was at a point where I'd felt I'd conquered my fibro, now somedays I feel so useless. The pain gets so intense and that gets more depressing. 

Is anyone else going through this? No one around me understands this and hurtful remarks have been made, (except my husband I'm lucky in that he's very gracious and attentive), 

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