2nd Trimester

Doctor adventures!

So, Tuesday I had three different doctors appointments at Oregon Health and Science University (at least, I think that's what OHSU stands for).  I ended up going up to a friend's house who only lives 20 minutes away the night before, because I had to be at OHSU at 8 AM.  I didn't get lost (I have no sense of direction)!



First I saw a perinatalogist (no clue if I'm spelling that right), and they did an ultrasound.  Everything looked good, and I have a very stubborn daughter.  She didn't want to move, she didn't want to look at the camera, and she had her hand on her forehead the whole time, LOL.  The doctor did a vaginal ultrasound, which sucked, but they got her to move a bit so she could measure the head.  Sylvia didn't like that so much.


Then I went to my fetal echocardiogram, and ended up falling asleep, LOL.  I was tired, and it takes FOREVER.  At least, it seemed like it to me.  Everything looks good, the only thing that could possibly  be an issue is that one of her valves or ventricles (I can't remember which one) is leaking a little bit of fluid, but the doctor said that if they had to choose one to do it, that would be the one.  He said it's nothing to worry about, and they'll check up on it at birth.


Then I went and saw an adult cardiologist, and they pretty much went over my heart stuff, and said they want me to come up there once a year for checkups, but they're impressed with how well I've recovered from my heart surgery.  Apparently my scar going around my body instead of down my front is different.  Not bad, just not that common apparently.  Weeeird.


That campus is HUGE! I live in a small town, so city driving scares me.  I only got lost twice!  I missed the turn to one of the highways, realized it, and then turned around.  Then on my way out of OHSU, I made a wrong turn.  I didn't realize it until I saw a cop pulled over, asked him if I was going the right way, and he said I wanted to turn around.  He even gave me the okay for a U-turn!  LOL.


I then didn't realize I was on the highway I needed to be on, so I turned onto another one, but I think that was more of my subconscious telling me to go to the mall where the Cheesecake Factory is, LOL. 

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