2nd Trimester

Gaining too much weight...

At my appointment this morning, the OB told me I am over the threshold for weight gain at this point of my pregnancy.

With my first, I gained 55 pounds and did not exercise and ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. 

I have done the opposite this time, started out 6 pounds lighter (128 lbs) when I got pregnant and am exercising 3xweek and eating reasonably healthy and still have gained 22 pounds thus far.

I am depressed that I am gaining so much again despite doing everything differently this time.  I don't eat a lot and am eating mostly fruit/veggies/salads/protein with occassional carbs (think whole wheat tortilla or wild rice 2-3 times per week).

I have 17 weeks left and if I gain a pound a week from here on out, I am looking at 40 lbs this pregnancy.

Oh, and she also said I have to stop running and do lower impact because of the pain I am having in my pelvis and pubic bone after running.


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