2nd Trimester

NP told me to "be mindful of my snacking"....WTF?

Yep...I am 24 (almost 25 weeks), and at my doc appointment I had gained 6 lbs in almost 6 weeks...it should have been 4 weeks, but I had to reschedule.

Anyways, doc was on vaca, so I had a nurse practitioner who told me I had a really big gain this month and to be 'mindful of my snacking'. Ummm...say what? I have gained only 11 lbs thus far...and aren't we SUPPOSED to be gaining about a pound a week at this point???

Seriously, I was pissed. I can't wait to see my doc and tell her that she said that to me. It is people like that NP that give pregnant women a complex!

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