2nd Trimester

Antibiotics while pg?

I have really bad seasonal allergies, I am super allergic to oak to the point where I get multiple sinus infections each allergy season despite the fact that I take my prescribed allergy med religiously and use a netipot.  I never get sick other than sinus infections at this time each year.  I've already been on one round of antibiotics in early January and am sick again.  My allergy season doesn't end until May, and they have had to reduce my allergy meds because of the pregnancy and I had to do multiple round of antibiotics last year ( this season is worse + less meds= not good).  Has anyone else have to dealt with being on antibiotics multiple times while pg?  I know they aren't good for you of LO and I don't really know what to do... I still have three more months of this and I don't want to constantly be on antibiotics and potentially hurt LO.
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