3rd Trimester

"Are you ready for THAT?" People vent

The other day DH and I decided to spend all day going to movies, going out to eat, and shopping because we know pretty soon it'll be much more difficult to do these things with a small human to be responsible for. We're just trying to do fun things while our family is still just the two of us. 

We went to Red Robin to eat and they sat us at one of the long booths that has multiple tables to it (If that makes sense). For most of our dinner we didn't have anyone next to us, but about 15 minutes before we leave these two women and their 5 children sit next to us. Typically I don't get frustrated with children who are loud or whatever, but it was ridiculous. If they weren't throwing stuff at us, they were walking around bumping into our table, standing over our food, and sneezing and coughing all over the place with no hands to cover their mouths. I know 5 children is a lot to handle in public, but neither one of the moms were saying anything to them. They let them throw stuff, walk around, and they just carried on in their conversation. I was so frustrated! Some of my family walked in about 5 minutes before we left and sat on the other side of us. They could see the chaos and could see that we were frustrated (and so was everyone else who was within an earshot or close enough to get hit by one of their flying objects.) One of my family members says "Are you ready for that, that's going to be you one day." I wanted to sucker punch her in the throat. If my children misbehave like wild animals in public, we won't be going anywhere until they learn manners. I can say this with confidence because I am a nanny and I have had jobs where I had to take 3 crazy children out by myself, and they would listen to me or they would have consequences. Maybe I am just hormonal and tired...

Also, I should probably just stay indoors away from other people because everyone wants to comment on how HUGE I am. My favorite is being told that I shouldn't be out when I am so far along, esp.when I am alone. I just laugh at that one. I hope my water breaks and splash's all over the next person who says that to me.


Anyways, vent over.


Baby number ONE on the way!
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