3rd Trimester

I love my 10-year journal:)

I don't normally post to recommend a product, but I noticed some posts about keeping a journal, so I just had to do it.

I've been keeping a 10-year journal since 2 years before, and I love it!  I just write down something my son said, or what we did as a family, or whatever.  I can see what we did the year before and so on today as I'm writing today's event on the same page.  For example, a year ago today, my son told me that he was the happiest when he was with me:)  He was also sick on the same day two years in a row.  I've always kept some kind of journals, but I hardly ever look back and read them.  

The only thing is that the space is limited, so you can't write a lot, but I keep a separate journal for big events like traveling, and I also have a blog for my family who lives far away, so no big deal.  And, not having to write a lot actually helps me to write down something every night before I go to bed.  

I wish I had started my 10-year journal when he was born.  I did keep a journal everyday, but 10-year one works so much better for me.

m/c - Dec 2005, DS - March 27, 2007, m/c - Oct 2009, DD - Feb 20, 2012

Proud mother of two breech babies:)

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