3rd Trimester

4.5cm for weeks now! Just 10 more days!

I have been 4.5cm for the last few weeks now, but for the contractions are starting to get so severe I find myself in tears. I have been walking to help the process but no change. I get up to pee at least 7-8 times a night. I have that "i have to poop" feeling a lot. And sometimes while Im having the contractions I feel like I have to you urinate, but when its over nothing comes out. It even hurt when he moves. 10 more days only 10 more days, an my comfort level is at about a 5%. My husband has been very supportive. But my MIL keep making stupid comments like "oh you a punk, that *** don't hurt, let me deliver your baby." I am trying to be nice an not fly off the handle at her but its getting hard.  Some say I am a troll looking for attention. I say "I am just scared even tho this is my 4th child, this so different from what I've experienced" I guess now that I am older it made this pregnancy a bit difficult. All I know this hurts an I am so uncomfortable, an becoming a bit irratated. Or either my nerves are just bad.
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